
Sci Olympiads Projects

Autism Projects

Prizes of the AI products I created

🥇 Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Olympiad (CELERITAS)

🥇 Finalist in SBPC (Brazilian Society for Progress and Science - SBPC)

🥇 Top 1 project in PIBIC (Scientific Iniciation) selection 

🥇 Selected to receive a full scholarship at Polygence (Research Insittution)

🥇 Awarded in scifairs

🥇Brazilian Technology Olympiad (OBT)

🥇Entrepreneurship  Olympiad (OEV)

🥇Semifinalist in Liga Jovem Challenge

Social projects

In addition to coordinating my own projects, I participate in others related to gender equity and science olympiads. 

Lidere-se (Member of the Coordination) 

Technovation Girls (Ambassador)

Professional Experience

I am an Advisor at the Internacional Research Olympiad (IRO). Click here to see the website.